
Toothache: Cause, Home Remedies, And Prevention

Tooth pain can be caused by a variety of factors, which can sometimes overlap. A toothache can be caused by tooth decay, infections in or around the teeth, or injuries. You may experience an acute, throbbing pain that comes and goes, or a constant, sharp pain, depending on the cause and location of the problem.  Minor irritation can usually be relieved with full-spectrum CBD gummies, but more severe tooth pain may probably require the assistance of a dentist. If you experience symptoms that continue for more than a day or two, go to your dentist. They can advise you on how to alleviate your symptoms and avoid future pain.

What Are The Possible Toothache Causes?

  • Abscess –  If a cavity is left untreated, a dental abscess, an infection of the tooth, may develop. Your dentist might recommend antibiotics, conduct a root canal, or remove your tooth if you have an abscess.
  • Dental decay – If your toothache is caused by a cavity or dental decay, your dentist will certainly remove the decay and place a filling.
  • Filling – After removing a cavity from your tooth, your dentist will fill the gap with a tooth-colored material. If an old filling is causing you discomfort, they may change it for a new one.
  • Periodontal disease – Periodontal disease can develop when plaque buildup results in gingivitis. Professional treatment is required for this gum infection to remove tartar from your teeth and minimize disease progression.
  • Teeth grinding (bruxism) –  If your teeth grinding or clenching is causing you pain, your dentist may advise a mouthguard.

Common Home Remedies For Toothache:

Rinse with salt water. A saltwater rinse works well as a first line of treatment for many individuals. Saltwater is a natural disinfectant that can help release food particles and debris that might be stuck between your teeth. Using salt water to treat a toothache can also help heal oral wounds and reduce swelling.

This technique involves making mouthwash by combining half a teaspoon of salt with a warm glass of water.

Use peppermint tea bags. Peppermint tea bags can relieve pain and help ease sensitive gums. Before applying a used tea bag to the affected area, let it cool a little.  This method can also be used to cool rather than warm the area. Apply the chilled used tea bag to your tooth after chilling it in the freezer for a few minutes.

Garlic.Garlic’s medicinal properties have been acknowledged and used for thousands of years. It also has antibacterial properties.  It can not only eliminate harmful bacteria that produce dental plaque, but it can also serve as a pain reliever.

Crush a garlic clove to make a paste and apply it to the affected area to treat a toothache. You may also chew fresh garlic cloves.

Rinse with hydrogen peroxide. Rinsing with hydrogen peroxide is an alternative technique for reducing pain and inflammation. Hydrogen peroxide, in addition to killing bacteria, can decrease plaque and heal bleeding gums.

Make sure the hydrogen peroxide is properly diluted. To do so, combine 3 percent of hydrogen peroxide with an equal ratio of water and use it as a mouthwash. Do not consume it.

Apply a cold compress. A cold compress can help relieve pain, especially if your toothache is caused by trauma. When you use a cold compress, the blood vessels in the affected area shrink. This reduces the severity of the pain. The cold can also help to reduce swelling and inflammation.

To use this method, apply a towel-wrapped bag of ice to the affected area for twenty minutes at a time.

Toothache prevention:

You can reduce your chances of getting toothaches by implementing proper oral hygiene. Floss at least once a day and brush your teeth for a minimum of two minutes twice a day. You could also use mouthwash. And go to the dentist twice a year for routine examinations and cleanings.

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